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#DS106 Goodspell 08-05-2016

Download (right click) 106 Bullets Episode 08-05-2016

Bullet 86-I will never watch a movie or TV in the same way. I have learnt a new language and love it

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Radio #EDUtalk 18-11-2015 Claire Docherty Film in the Primary Classroom

Claire Docherty Film in the Primary Classroom

Claire Docherty Film in the Primary Classroom

Links from the Show:

David Griffith From Shots to Sentences #ScotFLF15

David Griffith from Shots to Sentences

David Griffith is professional filmmaker and film educator. In addition to writing, producing and directing for film and TV, he teaches Screenwriting at the University of Strathclyde CLL and Filmmaking at the SAE Institute. He has also written a hugely popular and widely used screenwriting guide for young people, ‘Crash Course in Screenwriting’ (Scottish Screen, 2003) and a practical guide to making films with groups of young people, ‘On the Move’ (Urban Learning Space, 2008). He is Chair of the Film Education Resource Development Group for Scottish Film Education.

Teaching young people how to structure and punctuate compelling written narratives is one of the most significant challenges facing teachers whatever their subject specialism.
While film may appear to some to be a transparent or even ‘illustrative’ medium, it is in fact a logical and consistent system of narratology with clearly defined sentences, paragraphs and chapters.
Filmmaker and screenwriting lecturer, David Griffith shows how a basic understanding of audio-visual language and rhetoric – as well as its correspondences (and differences) to sign-based texts – can be used in the classroom to teach young people the key concepts and choices that underlie and determine all forms of narrative construction, whether factual or fictional.

Bill Boyd Ten Tools for Reading Film ScotLFF15

Bill Boyd Ten Tools for Reading Film

Bill has a wealth of experience in education, as a secondary English teacher, Head of Department and Depute Headteacher. He was a Programme Manager at Learning and Teaching Scotland during the development of Curriculum for Excellence and is a contributing author to ‘Scottish Education’, the definitive handbook for the profession in Scotland. He is also a lifelong advocate of Moving Image Education.

The Ten Tools were designed to provide teachers with a ‘route’ into the exploration of film and moving image in the classroom. They were assembled especially with inexperienced or beginner teachers in mind, and there is a deliberate attempt to avoid technical jargon wherever possible. They are not prescriptive, but should be used selectively and in combinations to suit the teacher and the learners. Each of the Ten Tools is accompanied by a list of potential discussion questions and typical activities. With practice, the teacher should come to know which of them will work best with any particular film text.

Bill Boyd – The Literacy Adviser | Learning and Teaching Literacy in the Digital Age
Ten Tools for Reading Film
Bill Boyd (@literacyadviser) on Twitter

Tim Flood Draw What You See #ScotFLF15

Tim Flood Draw What You See

Tim Flood has a degree in film making and trained at the BBC. He became a primary school teacher and for the past 12 years has managed Floodfilm – a Moving Image Education Consultancy. He set up Moving Picts, a community film collective in Moray and loves drawing storyboards.

We need to teach children how to see. Every child loves to draw but, by the age of about 10, most people have lost confidence in their ability to draw – why? The reason, is that as children, we draw symbols of objects and then, at about 10 years old, we realise that our symbols for “a cat” “dad” “house” etc. do not look like the thing we are drawing therefore, we develop the belief that we cannot draw. This seminar will teach you how to use film to SEE so that you can rediscover the joy of drawing.

Given that some of the presentation involved watching film without sound these sections have been cut out or shortened.

The audio is not great quality due in part to the samba band just outside the window.

TIM FLOOD | floodfilm

Audio recorded and broadcast during  the Scottish Film and Learning Festival on 3rd October 2015