Tim Flood has a degree in film making and trained at the BBC. He became a primary school teacher and for the past 12 years has managed Floodfilm – a Moving Image Education Consultancy. He set up Moving Picts, a community film collective in Moray and loves drawing storyboards.
We need to teach children how to see. Every child loves to draw but, by the age of about 10, most people have lost confidence in their ability to draw – why? The reason, is that as children, we draw symbols of objects and then, at about 10 years old, we realise that our symbols for “a cat” “dad” “house” etc. do not look like the thing we are drawing therefore, we develop the belief that we cannot draw. This seminar will teach you how to use film to SEE so that you can rediscover the joy of drawing.
Given that some of the presentation involved watching film without sound these sections have been cut out or shortened.
The audio is not great quality due in part to the samba band just outside the window.
Audio recorded and broadcast during the Scottish Film and Learning Festival on 3rd October 2015
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