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Radio Edutalk 13-03-19 Ian Guest “Exploring teachers’ professional development with Twitter”

Download: an Guest “Exploring teachers’ professional development with Twitter”

Dr Ian Guest talking about his recent PHD “Exploring teachers’ professional development with Twitter”.

Ian Guest (@IaninSheffield) | Twitter

Marginal Notes – Musings of a PhD student

Ian’s phd can be downloaded Exploring teachers’ professional development with Twitter: A sociomaterial analysis – Sheffield Hallam University Research Archive

CPD in 140 – Kristian Still

CPDin140 – Kristian Still

Kristian (@KristianStill) provides here a very balanced set of insights and observations of both the bright and darker sides of Twitter. What I do need to add though is that during the brief chat we had after the ‘stop’ button had been pressed, Kristian recalled times past and other activities which were to some extent connected by and through Twitter. The EdTechRoundUp podcasts produced during Sunday night FlashMeetings, facilitated largely by Doug Belshaw and Dai Barnes were recollected. Also how potent an experience it had been producing the #movemeon book, and how, as a PDF, it continues to do good work. Perhaps Dai or Doug might like to talk about those times …?


CPD in 140 – John Heffernan

CPDin140 – John Heffernan

With a broad range of experiences, educator John Heffernan (@johnmayo on Twitter) currently finds himself transplanted from Ireland, his home, into Virginia, United States. John discusses the part that Twitter played in that, connecting him with ‘interesting, smart people’ and exposing him to people who ‘have different views and different lifestyles.’ John recognises the degree to which he has become:

“I can’t imagine how I would have ended up, or how my career would have developed without Twitter”

CPDin140 – John Johnston

CPDin140 – John Johnston

For once John Johnston (@johnjohnston on Twitter) finds himself on the other side of the mixing desk, having kindly volunteered to contribute his experiences to the project. John ranged broad and wide, introducing me to new concepts such as ‘continuing amateur development‘ and ‘opinionated‘ software. And what a wonderful way to close our chat:

That’s what Twitter’s about I guess; it’s good to talk.

CPDin 140 – Chris Bailey

CPDin140 – Chris Bailey

Chris Bailey (@mrchrisjbailey on Twitter) sits only a couple of metres from me here at Sheffield Hallam. Although no longer teaching in the primary sector, Chris (a long time Twitter user) kindly volunteered to contribute his insights to my study. Chris noted that Twitter provides value in the ‘connections‘ it enables and the opportunities for ‘sharing‘ which open up, but we need to be conscious of whether it might also ‘distract‘ … although that might not necessarily be a bad thing.