Bill Boyd Ten Tools for Reading Film
Bill has a wealth of experience in education, as a secondary English teacher, Head of Department and Depute Headteacher. He was a Programme Manager at Learning and Teaching Scotland during the development of Curriculum for Excellence and is a contributing author to ‘Scottish Education’, the definitive handbook for the profession in Scotland. He is also a lifelong advocate of Moving Image Education.
The Ten Tools were designed to provide teachers with a ‘route’ into the exploration of film and moving image in the classroom. They were assembled especially with inexperienced or beginner teachers in mind, and there is a deliberate attempt to avoid technical jargon wherever possible. They are not prescriptive, but should be used selectively and in combinations to suit the teacher and the learners. Each of the Ten Tools is accompanied by a list of potential discussion questions and typical activities. With practice, the teacher should come to know which of them will work best with any particular film text.
Bill Boyd – The Literacy Adviser | Learning and Teaching Literacy in the Digital Age
Ten Tools for Reading Film
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