Download: HANDsON ict MOOC
Discussing the HANDsON ict MOOC with Ania Rolinska & Ian Guest. Ania was a facilitator on the MOOC and Ian was a participant.
Handson ICT | Hands-On ICT: Learn, practice, teach creativity and ICT
Ania on twitter @anzbau, Mystory – Digital English and University of Glasgow :: Schools :: School of Modern Languages and Cultures :: Our staff :: Ms Anna Rolinska
Ian on Twitter @IaninSheffield His blog: In the pICTure | EdTech from the outside in
Ania tells us that they are offering a condensed version of the MOOC in form of a hands-on face-to-face CPD opportunity for educators interested in integrating ICT in their practice following the learning design studio framework. The team would like to conduct those workshops by the end of the project, ie April. The HANDSON toolkit: A teacher training hands-on activity on ICT in education (PDF)