Arranged at very short notice, we had an audio TeachMeet; missing the social and the beer but with fascinating guests.
Anna Cotton teaches 9-11 grade in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts on an alternative project-based Science programme, under the EduMaker banner. Anna Cotton (avcotton) on Twitter .
Neil Winton on SOLO. Neil recommended The Learning Spy for further resources about SOLO. Neil’s Blog: If You Don’t Like Change… and Neil Winton (nwinton) on Twitter .
Bob Hill talking about SCHOLAR in the classroom. Bob’s posterous robthill’s posterous – Home and robthill (robthill) on Twitter .
Iain Hallahan taling about Open Badges and ForAllBadges – Badge Systems for K-12 Students. The H-Blog and Iain Hallahan (don_iain) on Twitter .