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The DS106 Good Spell Episode 16

106 Bullets Episode 16

Episode 16: Doing DS106 is like becoming an actor, amazing when the crowd claps and ruthless when nobody notices your performance

After a pretty rough couple of minutes (technical difficulties & pilot error) we talk about feedback, commenting and criticism in the DS106 community and online generally.

DS106 on the couch – DS106 Art on the couch

The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about the open online course on digital storytelling, DS106.
The show is hosted by Mariana Funes and John Johnston and was broadcast on DS106

The DS106 Good Spell Episode 5

106 Bullets Episode 5
The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about the open online course on digital storytelling, DS106.

Some background to this series on The DS106 Good Spell Episode 0

The show is hosted by Mariana Funes and John Johnston and was broadcast on DS106
Bullet 5: DS106 is about transmedia and the loveliest example for me is Joop’s boring Gif
Theme: The value of remix in a community of practice.