EDUtalk at The Emporium of Dangerous Ideas
Here is the transcript of the podcast, it is an invitation to talk dangerous:
This is John Johnston, I help David Noble organize EDUtalk at
We broadcast and podcast educational audio and encourage others to join in. In previous years we podcast a couple of sessions from The Emporium of Dangerous Ideas. This year we would like to take that a little further.
If you have not heard of the Emporium before, here is what their website says:
The Emporium of Dangerous Ideas is a future-orientated, education festival that aims to re-establish the importance of dangerous ideas as agents of change in education – to shift the axis of what is possible! It is for everyone who is passionate about education including college, university, school staff and students as well as those engaged in education throughout the creative communities. The next Emporium will take place all over Scotland and beyond in June 2015.
Emporium of Dangerous Ideas | Emporium
The Emporium is organised by the College Development Network, you can find out more on the web by Googling Emporium of Dangerous Ideas, and I’ll put a link into the show notes on
We are inviting attendees at any of the emporium’s sessions to submit short audio reports. Or if you have a dangerous idea yourself, send that in too.
There are two ways to send us audio, one is to use AudioBoom, this is a mobile app available for free on iOS and Android. People already use that to contribute to Edutalk, they just tag their audio with the hashtag #edutalk and they are automatically incorporated onto the site and become part of the Edutalk podcast stream.
For the Emporium we will use the hashtag #dangeroused.
Here is a handy pdf guide: dangeroused talk PDF
The other way is just to email the audio to and we will convert it into an mp3 and publish it along with any notes contained in the email. Makes sure and mention the emporium if you want to be categorized with the other dangerous ideas.
We have another idea for the Emporium, hopefully this will be a bit of fun. After the opening event, we will publish some audio from the speakers, you are invited to mash this up, remix with other audio and have some fun. Again you can send this to us via email and we will publish it. Here is a wee snippet for one I’ve made of David Cameron (the real one) talking at the emporium last year, mixed with another talk he did last year and some garageband nonsense.
This example lacks any musical skill but hopefully you get the idea and can see the possibilities for someone with a smidgin of musical ability.
I’ll publish the whole thing in a subsequent post, Ill also post from AudioBoom to show how that is done. And add some instruction to this post on Edutalk for AudioBoom.