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Radio Edutalk 09-02-2016: Professor Diane Mayer – Inaugural David Stow annual lecture: Transitional Teacher Education in Globalised and Neoliberal Contexts

Download Diane Mayer on Edutalk

You can access Professor Mayer’s visual presentation that accompanies this audio at

Professor Diane Mayer – Inaugural David Stow annual lecture: Transitional Teacher Education in Globalised and Neoliberal Contexts.

This event took place at the University of Strathclyde on Tuesday 19th January 2016.

Radio Edutalk 15-12-2015: Carrie McLennan, University of Dundee, introduces MA Education Year 3 students Natalie McKnight and Iona Gillies

Download Carrie, Nathalie and Iona on Edutalk

Carrie McLennan, University of Dundee, introduces MA Education Year 3 students Natalie McKnight and Iona Gillies.

More information is at

Radio #EDUtalk 06-05-2015 Teaching Scotland’s Future – Peter Kormylo

Peter Kormylo Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce

Peter Kormylo, Education Scotland: Developing Scotland;s Young Workforce

Apologies for the poor quality audio in this podcast.

It is important that all young people in Scotland are provided with the opportunities to develop am
the skills and abilities necessary to become an alive part of the labour force and to maximize the
benefits to them and their contribution to economic growth.