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The DS106 Good Spell Episode 14

106 Bullets Episode 14

The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about the open online course on digital storytelling, DS106.
The show is hosted by Mariana Funes and John Johnston and was broadcast on DS106

Episode 14: Sometimes it is wise to blog against how you are feeling

Gardner Campbell said this – my first insight that blogging could be used in a therapeutic way. Then narrate your work, Write assignments like a bloggin champ! Thinking like the web .

The DS106 Good Spell Episode 12

106 Bullets Episode 12
The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about the open online course on digital storytelling, DS106.
The show is hosted by Mariana Funes and John Johnston and was broadcast on DS106

Words words words. I love words and I love them even more when they dance in kinetic typography

ds106 Assignments: Kinetic Typography

Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography – Language on Vimeo

Kevin’s Meandering Mind | Remembering Music: Variations on a Poem 2 (Kinetic Typography)

Links from Rochelle Lockridge (Rockylou22)

The DS106 Good Spell Episode 11

106 Bullets Episode 11

The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about the open online course on digital storytelling, DS106.
The show is hosted by Mariana Funes and John Johnston and was broadcast on DS106

Copy first, then transform one idea, then combine different ideas into new ideas.

  • Good artists copy, masters steal.
  • My taste is impeccable even if I cannot execute to it yet.

▶ Ds106TakeMeAway by clhendricksbc
THE GAP by Ira Glass on Vimeo
Motherless Child by Rochelle Lockridge
Wire Characters Season 1

The DS106 Good Spell Episode 10

106 Bullets Episode 10
The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about the open online course on digital storytelling, DS106.
Some background to this series on The DS106 Good Spell Episode 0
The show is hosted by Mariana Funes and John Johnston and was broadcast on DS106
Bullet: Transmedia + skill + aesthetic vision + idea transmogrification = DS106
Theme: What is the in-depth learning that lurks under all that much fun?

Episode 10 is an expanded one covering the bullet above and explaining the new round of DS106 for the summer: The Burgeron Family DS106 Summer of the Trailer
The Good spell will be on summer holiday until the Autumn.

The DS106 Good Spell Episode 9

106 Bullets Episode 9
The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about the open online course on digital storytelling, DS106.
Some background to this series on The DS106 Good Spell Episode 0
The show is hosted by Mariana Funes and John Johnston and was broadcast on DS106

Episode 9 Bullet: When somebody intrudes in my virtual privacy, I do well to remember ‘It is just words’
Theme: Challenges of open web learning.

John and Nariana were joined by Rochelle Lockridge