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The DS106 Good Spell Episode 7

106 Bullets Episode 7

The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about the open online course on digital storytelling, DS106.

Some background to this series on The DS106 Good Spell Episode 0

The show is hosted by Mariana Funes and John Johnston and was broadcast on DS106
Bullet 7:   Every thought has been thought, but it is human nature to think them again and again to make them our own

Theme: What does it mean to be creative? Originality vs. transforming

Twitter reactions:   Christina Hendricks

#ds106radio What counts as “art” is HUGE question, & the fun thing w/#ds106 is that I don’t feel pressured to fit others’ standards so much.

#ds106radio If just one other person smiles or responds or remixes what I make, that’s enough for me!

Talky Tina

@clhendricksbc Plus, Boxes! When Art is put in Boxes then people just stand and look at it and nod and say empty words. NO BOXES, MORE ART!

@clhendricksbc Well, it is the Great Unspoken Unilateral Hegemony of Critics that keeps little people from Making Art. But not in #ds106