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Radio Edutalk 25-10-2016: Libby Thornhill and Sarah Rivers, ‘Open all hours: Supporting ‘looked after’ children and young people in the school environment’

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Libby Thornhill and Sarah Rivers, ‘Open all hours: Supporting ‘looked after’ children and young people in the school environment’.

Radio Edutalk 19-04-2016: Professor Clive Dimmock, Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change, ‘Ten Strong Claims for High Performing Leaders and Schools’

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Professor Clive Dimmock, Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change, ‘Ten Strong Claims for High Performing Leaders and Schools’.

Reflective questions:

In what ways do high-performing leaders break the mould of mediocre leadership?

Do high-performing leaders possess different qualities from mediocre leaders?

How do we create more high-performing leaders?