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What Bob Taught Me

The post from Wes Fryer which dropped into my rss feed this week once more had me reflecting back on the passing of Bob Sprankle. Bob was an a warm-hearted, informative and informed educator in the US primary sector, and an early pioneer of podcasting with young people. He produced several different podcasts over the years, but the one which drew me in was ‘Seedlings‘ which he co-produced with Alice Barr and Cheryl Oakes, and which was distributed through the EdTechTalk channel.

The post from Wes reminded me that I too reflected back on what #BobTaughtMe, shortly after the moving video tribute Wes and others produced. Given that in my small offering EDUtalk gets a mention, it’s probably appropriate for me to (belatedly) post it here.

Perhaps if Bob touched your life, you too might like to record your #BobTaughtMe.