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Radio Edutalk 10-02-2016: Kenny McGhee, Throughcare & Aftercare Service Lead at CELCIS, on Scottish Care Leavers Covenant and Staying Put Scotland Guidance

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Kenny McGhee, Throughcare & Aftercare Service Lead at CELCIS, on Scottish Care Leavers Covenant and Staying Put Scotland Guidance.

Scottish Care Leavers Covenant
Staying Put Scotland Guidance (SG, 2013)
Throughcare & Aftercare In Scotland's Local Authorities: National Study (2014)

Reflective questions:

What are your assumptions about looked after young people & care leavers, and their pre-care, in-care and post-care experiences in Scotland?

Thinking about the transitions to adulthood and independence for young people leaving care, how do you think these differ from the genral population; what impact can this have on their outcomes?

What is your understanding of the concept of 'corporate parenting' in relation to looked after children, young people and care leavers; and what can you do within your own role or setting to make this meaningful in your daily practice?

Radio Edutalk 08-12-2015: Iain White, Principal of Newlands Junior College in Glasgow

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Iain White, Principal of Newlands Junior College in Glasgow.

Iain invites us to consider:

  1. Is the comprehensive system in Scottish education a strength or are the limits of its uniformity of approach a product of the culture of conformity and compliance inherent in our system?
  2. We need a system that meets the needs of young people. Therefore we need more creativity and flexibility in approach than presently exists. Discuss.
  3. Tom Peters said, ’Show me a schoolteacher and I’ll show you someone that never coloured outside the lines in his life’.  Thinking about Scotland, is he correct and are we missing the opportunities that Curriculum for Excellence provides?