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#DS106 Goodspell 29-05-2016

Download: 106 Bullets 29-05-206

Bullets 90 & 91

90-My computer posture has to change, but RSI has meant I have had to be more measured in my creating

91-Yes, it is addictive and the addiction is driven by whatever is lurking in your subconscious – a need to rescue, a need for approval, a need for perfection, a need to please, a need to complete.

My ds106 Addiction from @cogdog
– Addicted to DS106 – A conversation with Rochelle

The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about the open online course on digital storytelling, DS106.

Some background to this series on The DS106 Good Spell Episode 0

The show is hosted by Mariana Funes and John Johnston and was broadcast on DS106