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The DS106 Good Spell Episode 8

106 Bullets Episode 8
The DS106 Good Spell is a podcast about the open online course on digital storytelling, DS106.

Some background to this series on The DS106 Good Spell Episode 0

The show is hosted by Mariana Funes and John Johnston and was broadcast on DS106
Bullet: Cultivating open is hard for some, I am one of those ‘some’
Theme: What does it mean to do DS106 as a totally open course

Challenging our fears of the open web and making our own personal choices about what we can and are able to do through the medium of creating art together.
The is a perception of ‘just fun’ but ‘serious’ learning about online presence and citizenship underneath.
Cultivating open through DS106 is not tackled directly but through making.

One thought on “The DS106 Good Spell Episode 8”

  1. Thanks for the show. I think open education needs what all education needs … a safe learning environment. Safe as in respectful to each other and each other’s work.

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