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The DS106 Good Spell episode 36

106 Bullets Episode 36

Make art, bub! For its own sake without expectations and if you are honest learning this will take a few lifetimes.

The last of the ‘Summer’ run of the Good Spell.

We talked about the different runs of DS106. Is creating pastiche of any value? Are colouring in sheets learning? Community feedback.

He deleted Twitter from his phone. “You’d think people saying ‘I’m excited for your game’ would be motivational,” he said. “But actually, creativity and hard work is driven by ambition. And ambition isn’t helped by constant affirmation. You have to almost get to a place where you’re unhappy with everything.”

No Man’s Sky: the game where you can explore 18 quintillion planets | Technology | The Guardian

The Trailer of Woe | The Burgeron Family

The DS106 Good Spell will return in the Autumn there will problaby be some Summer Specials.